Between the Worlds. Relaxing 360 video
This movie was made by AirPano studio, that has been making documentary aerial 360 videos of the most beautiful places of our planet for more than 15 years. However, in this film it was possible to step away from common visual approach and combine impossible techniques: megacities from different parts of the globe, lakes and mountains, the nature of various continents, urban scenery and underwater kingdoms, winter and summer.
In this movie the viewer can actually fly between different worlds! The magnificent aspects of Hawaii and Miami, the Lapland of Finland and the Chinese mountains of Huangshan, the mystical lake Baikal and the legendary Rio-de-Janeiro. All of them are fascinating. With each new scene the visual part and musical assistance teleports the viewer into another world. Each scene individually is a documentary film, but the movie “Between the worlds” is proudly an unusual work of modern art!
Photos and video by Sergey Semenov, Stas Sedov, Dmitry Moiseenko and Sergey Rumyantsev, music by Sergey Soloviev
30 June 2023
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Virtual Travels in 360°
Jakarta, Indonesia Brasília. The capital of Brazil Everest, Himalayas, Nepal, Part II, December 2012 Bagan, Myanmar Ai-Petri in Crimea, Russia Windmills of Holland. Part I Paris, France. VR photo tour Kambalnaya River. Part IV Jellyfish Bay, Raja Ampat, Indonesia The Kingdom of Bhutan Ancient city Petra, JordanShow more