The best panoramas by AirPano. Part 2
We have selected the best panoramas created by AirPano during the last several years. Most of them are unique because they were shot for the first time in the history of panoramic photography. The Airpano website already features over 2,000 panoramas. To make navigating such a volume of materials easier, we decided to create a collection of the best AirPano panoramas, organizing them into several virtual tours. We tried to choose the most beautiful panoramas of the most unique and meaningful locations. Today, we would like introduce the second virtual tour from our collection of selected panoramas; you will see the erruption of volcano Plosky Tolbachik, unique Victoria waterfall, the highest Ferris wheel in the world and other amazing places of our planet. The first virtual tour of our best panoramas you can see here.
AirPano was founded in 2006. At the same time we created a unique technique of photographing spherical panoramas from the air. Today, AirPano is the largest 360° panorama resource in the world, based on geographical coverage, number of aerial photographs, and artistic and technical quality of images shot from the bird's eye view.
Now, thanks to the panoramic photos published on our website, each visitor can go up in the air and see everything as if he were actually on site: inside a helicopter or even in the bucket of a hot air balloon.
You are invited to join us on this breathtaking journey!
If you are interested in any panorama from our selection, you can open a complete virtual tour of any place from the list mentioned below:
— Volcano Plosky Tolbachik, Kamchatka, Russia, 2012;
— Singapore;
— Victoria Falls, Zambia and Zimbabwe border;
— Lake Powell, Utah-Arizona, USA;
— The Great Barrier Reef, Australia.
5 January 2015
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360° VideoVirtual Travels in 360°
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